Issues attaching Actor to socket in Motion Controller Pawn
I’m having trouble attaching an actor to the GenericHMD mesh which I have placed as a child of the camera in the Motion Controller Pawn (MCP) but only with very specific X locations (values between 100 and 160) on the sockets that I created. The Y and Z values do not contribute to this issue.
I want to attach Insight_Cone_BP (my own actor blueprint) to the sockets I created in the GenericHMD mesh. I’ve created the sockets using a cone mesh (see image: Left and Right Cone Socket details).
Insight_Cone_BP is dyanamically spawned through a function call on the Event Begin Play of MCP (see image: Spawn Insight Cones). The image illustrates the Event Begin play (top half) and the function details of Spawn Insight Cone. This function is a custom function created in MCP as well.
To illustrate my issue, I have a screenshot showing Left cone being slightly longer (and thus overlapping the X location between 100 and 160) and Right cone which spawns and attaches perfectly. Image “Cones in GenericHMD” is a screenshot of the viewport of GenericHMD before run time. Image “Cone in run time” is a screenshot of my issue during run time. As you can see, the left cone is not visible. I have done an “isValid” to check if the left cone may have spawned at some bizarre XYZ location but it does not return valid. So left cone does not exist.
My issues applies to both left and right cone but to illustrate the strangeness of this issue I showed one working cone and one cone disappearing.