Issues (again) with instanced static meshes on 4.13.0

Can someone with Gear VR and S6+ (not Note 4) please check my test case to confirm the issue ?

This one is kinda a show stopper (and anyone using baked lighting, streaming levels and ISMC/HISMC created through construction scripts) and if I am not the only person with this issue, hopefully it will be fixed sooner than later.

Thanks beforehand

Bump bump… This is an ugly show stopper :frowning: Please help testing (that is if there are any Gear VR devs are still around).

And just to summarize (for everything static):

  • If the original meshes and the (H)ISM, made with script that gets original meshes’ transforms, are in different streaming levels (or ISM is in persistent level but originals are in a streaming level), the (H)ISM will appear invisible in SM5 / ES2 / game / device.
  • If the original meshes and the (H)ISM, made with script that gets original meshes’ transforms, are in the same streaming level, the (H)ISM will appear pitch black in ES2 and device.
  • If the original meshes and the (H)ISM, made with script that gets original meshes’ transforms, are in the persistent level, the (H)ISM will appear properly textures and lit.

ISMs (and original meshes they are made from) in the Persistent level. Performance is better than without ISMs, but still sh#t :frowning:

Going to try merging actors instead of using ISMs and if that doesn’t help with performance, going to ditch this idea for good.

Btw, just saw Tim’s reply on AH and I don’t understand how this could be happening (the pitch black ISMs) :frowning:

I give up on ISM for now - will merge actors instead.

Finally recorded video showing performance improvements using merged actors (I am sure there is still room for optimization):

I really hope Epic will get to the bottom of this and optimize ISM/HISM for mobile VR as it would be more practical than merged actors.