Issue with Visibility and Hierarchical Bias in Unreal Engine 5.4

Issue with Visibility and Hierarchical Bias in Unreal Engine 5.4

I am working on an animation project in Unreal Engine 5.4 and encountered a visibility conflict in Level Sequence when using Hierarchical Bias. Solving this issue is crucial for the success of the project.

Sequence Structure:

Root Sequence
 ├── char_bp
 │    └── skm
 │         └── Visibility: False
 └── Subsequence (Hierarchical Bias = -100)
       └── char_bp
            └── skm
                 └── Visibility: True
  • In the Root Sequence, skm is set to Visibility: False.
  • In the Subsequence with Hierarchical Bias = -100, skm is set to Visibility: True.


  • It was expected that Hierarchical Bias = -100 would give priority to the Root Sequence, keeping skm hidden.
  • In practice, skm becomes visible despite the setting in the Root Sequence.

What has been checked:

  1. Confirmed that the Visibility track in the Root Sequence is set to False.
  2. When the Visibility track is removed from the Subsequence, visibility is controlled as expected.
  3. Tried setting a lower Hierarchical Bias value (e.g., -200) in the Root Sequence, but the result did not change.
  4. Checked the When Finished settings, but this did not resolve the issue.


  1. Is this the expected behavior of Hierarchical Bias in Unreal Engine 5.4?
  2. Are there known issues with managing Visibility in sequences in this version?
  3. What is the best way to ensure that the Root Sequence takes priority over the Subsequence for Visibility tracks?

Could you please advise on how to properly manage the priority of Visibility in this situation?

Thank you in advance!