Issue With UV Maps and Texture Resolution


I’ve recently gotten started using Blender for making simple meshes, and came across this issue when importing to UE4.

The mesh on the left is my own, created and UV mapped in Blender. The right is from the Starter Content meshes. Both are using the same material, but my own mesh has extremely poor texture resolution. How do I go about fixing my UVs so that the resolution is higher?

Apologies if there’s a really simple answer to this question, but I haven’t found it yet.


Increase the tiling of the texture. Should be in the Details panel.

Basically, unless you make an World Aligned shader, you need to unwrap your 3D models to match each other in scale for this kind of thing. For instance, I tend to unwrap models like this to a shared 1x1 meter scale in my 3D program of choice, and then have scaling parameters in my materials inside Unreal.