Issue with Setting Correct "FabURL" in .uplugin Descriptor Prior to Product Publishing

The current workflow for setting the “FabURL” attribute in the .uplugin descriptor requires the inclusion of a product-specific UUID that corresponds to the live version of the product.

However, during the draft and approval phases, the product URL contains a different UUID that does not align with the live version UUID assigned after publishing. This discrepancy makes it impossible to predefine a valid “FabURL” in the .uplugin file before the product is published.

For example:

  1. Draft URL:
  2. Live URL (post-publish):

This issue creates a challenge for compliance with technical documentation guidelines (e.g., 4.3.6.c), as the “FabURL” must reference the live UUID, which is unavailable during the approval process.

To date I’ve just been publishing it as is with an invalid one and when they come back with the pdf with the correct url I’d update it and re-submit. If anyone else knows of a better way to do this feel free to chime in.