Issue with retargeting animations

I am trying to retarget some first person animations. The IK retargeter shows the animations retargeting perfectly. However, when I duplicate and retarget the animations, the new animations come out wonky. I had to set the translation for both clavicles to absolute under the chain mapping tab to get the IK retargeter to work appropriately. Does anyone know if this would affect the animations during retargeting? If so, how can I fix this. I have attached screenshots of an example animation and the retargeted animation. I assume there is some constraint on the skeleton that is not allowing it to retarget appropriately. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hey @Farmassy1!

I see you are retargeting directly back to to the UE4 skeleton. Do you mind sharing what IK retargeter you are using? Do you have one set up for your use case?

Any additional specifics you provide may go a long way in solving your problem!