So I’ve been working on a raft mod that is coming out great and I am getting to the point of testing in game. In the editor on a test map I can see the engram, learn it, craft it, place/spawn it, and use it. When I cook the mod and use it in game, the engram is not available to learn, but I can cheat spawn the item into my inventory, place/spawn it, and its fully functional. Seems like all the files related to my item are fine and properly referenced except maybe my EngramEntry. I pretty sure the PGD’s reference to the engram is what makes all the raft files get included in cooking, but why no engram??
I’ve done lots of searching and tried what seems like all the same steps. So I’ll run through how I started. Verified my files before launching the editor. Made a new folder in the mods folder named “LegitRaft”. I copied the 3 files from the GenericMod folder to my folder and moved my raft’s files (EngramEntry, PrimalItem, and LegitRaft_BP. Renamed the map to “LegitRaftMap”, the PGD to “PrimalGameData_BP_LegitRaft”, and the game mode to “TestGameMode_LegitRaft”. Opened the map and in the world settings, set the primal game data overide to my “PrimalGameData_BP_LegitRaft”, set Force Load Map Name to blank, and set the GameMode Override to none. Then I opened my “PrimalGameData_BP_LegitRaft” and set the mod name and description, set the default game mode to my “TestGameMode_LegitRaft”, and added my engram under the Additional Engram Blueprint Classes. At this point I save everything and press on the steam upload button. Click on Legit Raft on the left under mods and it chooses LegitRaftMap for Maps, I set my mod output directory to “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Content\Mods”, and press cook game mod. Everything cooks fine and I launch ark and host a non-dedicated server on The Center with my mod. At the pause menu, it does not show my mod name and description. But again, I can spawn in the item and use it.