Issue with moving Volume Device

Hey all, I’m having an issue with Volume Devices not actually moving with the skeletal mesh they are parented to. I have my Volumes set to eliminate the player when they enter with a simple verse script. Like in the clip below the Volume Device is moving with the animated skeletal mesh it is attached to, but the actual area for elimination is where the volume would be if the animation were to not be playing. So, my problem is that the volumes area of elimination isn’t actually moving with the animated skeletal mesh. I don’t run into this issue when the volume is parented to one of UEFN’s provided props instead of my animated skeletal mesh. Would anyone know why this is happening?

Edit: Do I need to update the position of the volume to match whatever it’s attached to?

If you’re using cinematic sequence for animating the ball, I’d suggest moving to Verse instead

Thanks for a reply, in this instance I did use a cinematic sequence and baked the animation for the skeletal mesh. And I have tested verse animations and with simple animations like the clip in my post it works well and the attached volume device moves with its parented prop, but with other skeletal meshes that have a lot more bones where I might have to attach multiple volume devices it doesn’t seem feasible to use verse to animate more complex meshes (or seems like a lot more work).

Well I’m not sure then, sequences are buggy, you can try disabling the “Always Relevant” checkbox on the sequence device to see if it fixes :person_shrugging:

Otherwise you can try your luck with control rigs maybe

Yeah my bad, I meant to say I used control rig to make my animations. I just use a level sequence in UEFN to set keyframes then bake the animation to use within any skeletal meshes that are compatible. But doing it this way yields the result of the clip in original post.

I’m not sure I understand, you could use control rigs without sequencers right ? That was my idea

Oh okay, yeah I didn’t know you could use control rigs outside of sequencers. If it helps, here’s another clip of what I’m trying to achieve though. The idea is that when a player would enter any of the volumes it would eliminate them, but the volume doesn’t move with the animation (like shown in original clip). I’ve also tried this with volume devices, damage volume devices and with the external volume setting in the damage volumes.

So a couple of questions:
Could I recreate the same animation with the tentacle control rig outside of the level sequencer?
Would having volumes parented to the mesh even be the best way to go about this? Or is there a better way with Verse or anything else you’d recommend?

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Interesting, I’m not sure how you play your animation there, it needs to not play on the client I guess, so you’d need to trigger that animation through an “Everyone” sequencer device, I’m not sure how you setup your whole thing here

Maybe it works that way, because you’re only replicating the animation start and not the actual volume positions

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Using a control rig of the skeletal mesh within a level sequence and playing it through a cinematic sequencer seems to have done the trick of properly moving the volumes. I will note that the baked animations being played within a sequencer still don’t move the volumes, but that’s whatever at least this way is working. Thanks for all of your help with this issue though, I was extremely stumped.

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