Issue with Level Sequence Editor in Unreal Editor

I’m experiencing an issue with the Unreal Editor (Version 5.6) that I can’t resolve on my own. Every time I open a map, the following error message appears at the bottom of the editor:
“No active Level Sequence Editor found. Edit a Level Sequence to enable all controls.”

I hope you can help me resolve this problem. Thank you in advance!

Your viewport is set to Cinematic Viewport which adds some controls for you to work in conjuction with a Level Sequence. It’s just saying that you don’t have a Level Sequence asset open.

If you’re not using Sequencer, you can ignore the message or switch to a regular viewport.

Read more about the Cinematic Viewport here:

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i use Fortnites Unreal Engine

“Fortnite’s Unreal Engine” aka Unreal Editor For Fortnite is almost the same to Unreal Engine (Virtually the same just with certain reduced features)

The Documentation posted above applies to UEFN too, you just need to click “Perspective” and then “Default Viewport” and the message should go away


thank you

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Try opening the Level Sequence Editor manually via Window > Cinematics > Level Sequence Editor and ensure a Level Sequence Actor is in the Outliner. If the issue persists, try switching maps, restarting Unreal Editor, or reloading your project.

On a different note, stepping away from a problem can often lead to fresh insights. If you need a quick mental reset, checking out thoughtful birthday messages at might be a fun distraction. Let me know if you need further help!