Issue with includes after migrating from 4.18 to 4.25

Say we have MyProject as project name.

In 4.18 I’d do

#include "Characters/BaseCharacter.h"

where the implied path is something like C:/Unreal/MyProject_418/Source/MyProject/Characters/BaseCharacter.h

In 4.25, that no longer works. It gives me an error telling me it can’t find the specified file. Instead, what does work is

#include "MyProject/Characters/BaseCharacter.h"

I need someone to either confirm or refute the fact that this is how it’s supposed to be. Perhaps something got messed up during the upgrade process in my case.

I don’t think you need your project name in include. Clean your solution files and do a “Generate visual studio project files” via your .uproject file. Maybe that helps.

That was the first thing I tried. Unfortunately, to no avail.

Not just solution file, clear every thing from Intermediate ,Saved ,Binaries,Build and also .vs folders (They are safe to delete and can be regenerated) . Then generate visual studio project files and rebuild your project. This helped me many times after upgrading.

I hope this helps you too, Cheers!