Issue with Hair Length Scaling the Groom in Blueprint

Hello everyone,

I’m working on a project in Unreal Engine where I’m using Houdini to generate hair for a character, and I’m trying to implement a system where the hair length can be adjusted dynamically based on whether the character is wearing a hat or not.

The Problem:

The character has multiple outfits and hats, and I need to create a mask or use a mask texture in Blueprint to control the visibility of the hair under the hat. The issue is that the Set Hair Length Scale node - only accepts a single float value, which doesn’t allow me to control the hair length individually for different regions by mask (e.g., the hair under the hat vs. other parts).

I’m having trouble figuring out how to use a 2D mask texture (loaded as a vector) to affect the scale of the hair length in Blueprint, since the node expects a float and the texture is 2D. I can’t find a way to modify these groups dynamically in Unreal to apply different length scales to different hair groups based on a mask or other conditions.

oh, I’ve also tried using material to achieve this, but unfortunately, hair does not support WPO and Opacity adjustments within the material (it work well when I switch to Hair Cards, coz it’s geometry).

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated! If anyone has worked with dynamic hair length control using masks or group modifications, I would love to hear how you approached this issue.

Thank you in advance!