Issue with chaos vehicle simulating a tank


So I’ve asked this question before but I haven’t had any luck with this issue. I’m trying to use the chaos vehicle plugin to rig a tank, but the blueprint never seems to simulate properly.

I followed this tutorial using the same vigilante assets available on the marketplace and got the exact result I wanted. So, using the same asset as a guide, I created my own mesh in Blender. However, whenever I simulate, my tank wheels don’t support my tank, like the vigilante asset does.

I’ve followed so many tutorials, searched so many forums but still no solution. The answer for people with the same issue didn’t work for me at all unfortunately.

My process was:

  • Rig and weight paint in blender in the same way as the vigilante asset.
  • Orient bones x-forward, z-up, y-left
  • Apply transforms and export in 0.01 metric
  • Import to UE 53
  • Create an animation BP with vehicle animation instance parent class
  • Make wheeled vehicle and wheel BP, using correct bone names
  • Applying physics

ANY help would be extremely appreciated as I don’t even know what to test now. I’ve attached some more screenshots to help and can provide the model if anyone would help.

Thank you!

I believe I was able to figure it out, it was a weights issue with the tank’s bones. As shown in the problem video, only the tank’s body simulated, so I brought the weights from the tank body bone down to the root bone which seemed to work. Not sure if this is the right way or if it’ll bring issues later on but it works.

I would like to know how the vigilante asset is then set up in the way that doesn’t use the root bone to control the tank body, but otherwise I’m happy it’s figured out.