Issue with Artifact Crates

Soooo im making a simple map to start off with. I placed an artifact container, and changed what items are held inside. I changed it from holding an artifact to holding a long-neck rifle and some ammo. When I simulate the map, I go find the artifact crate is only holding the gun, and there’s no ammo. :(, how do I fix this.

Imgur: The magic of the Internet <------- (What I did)

You need to look at the item weights as well. Just because you listed a bunch of items, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the default RNG (determined by the weights) means you get every possible item.

If you increase the number of total items the crate will spawn (min and max) then you should be good, just make sure that your rifle is at a lower weight than the bullets so you don’t get 30 rifles and 5 bullets… lol