I am attempting to make a custom UI in a Verse-Coded device. I am struggling with trying to add an image texture to a texture_block DefaultImage variable.
The editor gives me the error: “Accesing instance member from this scope is not yet implemented.”
I added a “tag” to some modules, which fixed the Texture variable holding reference to the image texture in the Content Browser, however, whenever I try to implement it it just does not seem to accept it.
I’ll leave the code segment below:
custom_ui := class:
NewTexture<protected> : texture = Widgets.Images.T_Robbery_MoneyBill_Bg
var MainCanvas<private>:canvas = canvas{}
var NewImage<private>:texture_block = texture_block {DefaultImage := NewTexture, DefaultDesiredSize := vector2{X:=300.0, Y:=170.0}}