Issue: Take Recorder Not Capturing Pitch Rotation of Cine Camera (Using SpringArm) in UE5.5

Description of the Problem:

I am using Take Recorder to capture gameplay footage, but the Pitch rotation of my Cine Camera is not being recorded. The Yaw rotation works fine, but Pitch is missing from the recorded sequence.

My Setup:

  1. Pawn Blueprint
  • Has a SpringArm (CameraBoom) with a Cine Camera attached.
  • The SpringArm settings:
    • :white_check_mark: Inherit Pitch: Enabled
    • :white_check_mark: Inherit Yaw: Enabled
    • :white_check_mark: Inherit Roll: Enabled
  • The Pawn settings:
    • :white_check_mark: Use Controller Rotation Yaw: Enabled
    • :white_check_mark: Use Controller Rotation Pitch: Enabled
    • :white_check_mark: Use Controller Rotation Roll: Enabled
  • The Cine Camera settings:
    • :x: Use Pawn Control Rotation: Disabled (to allow rotation lag on camera)
  1. Gameplay Behavior:
  • When I play in editor, everything works fine—both Pitch and Yaw move correctly with camera rotation lag.
  • But when I use Take Recorder, only Yaw is recorded, and Pitch rotation is ignored.


  1. Why is Take Recorder ignoring Pitch rotation?

can’t record pitch

Did you find a solution. I have exactly this question.

Am I framing the question correctly? – The camera’s pitch is a parameter that’s inside the character blueprint (because the camera is in the BP), so accessing/recording it is the step we’re missing.

Yes, when I enable camera rotation lag, Take Recorder does not capture the pitch rotation.