Issue migrating to 4.9.2

I decided to migrate my level into 4.9.2 and I’m having a few issues. The most nagging issue is that I lost the ability to hit play to simulate a player perspective on the level. After waiting several minutes after I hit play I receive the following message: “The Skeleton FirstPerson_Skeleton, is missing bones that SkeletalMesh FirstPerson_SkelMesh needs. They will be added now. Please save the Skeleton!” Seems straightforward, except I’m not using the FirstPerson_SkelMesh or any first person perspective at all.

After clicking to continue I get a mixture of a bunch of different images while the engine counts down approximately 6500 shadings. When the shadings are complete I can hit ESC and end up back in my level.

I’m at a a loss. Any help or pointer to a white paper that offers a solution would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance



I do have a statement that a NAVMESH needs to be rebuilt and I have my art designer upgrading his most recent addition in hopes of rectifying the matter.

What happens when you do it like that:

-right click on your old uproject file
-change ue4 version - choose the 4.9
-upgrade your old project
-now migrate everything into your other project :slight_smile:

I did that, creating a copy from my 4.8.3 version to make the 4.9.2 version. What I presented was what is happening since migrating to 4.9.2.

I also have a problem like this in one of my other projects after upgrading, but only in the project in which starter content was included. This problem did not occur in projects that were made from scratch.

This is quite concerning. While I can’t be entirely sure without asking, I think we used some of the foliage and rocks from the starter content in the forests.

I can’t remember exactly ok. Call it old age? I think I had to reload the models and resave things. Yeah then there was like 8,000 shaders compiling for seems an hour and a half.

I guess what I am trying to get at is you can’t just click convert and hit play. It doesn’t work that way.

You have to go to: /content/FIrstPersonBP/Character/
doube klick each file in there an press save.

If I remember, i also wen to the Blueprints folder and did the same with the FirstPersonCharacter Blueprint, but dont know if this is really necessary!

Now that message should be gone, when you open it.


Is just Open&Save: //Content/FirstPersonBP/Character/FirstPerson_Anim Blueprint