Issue migrating assets

Hello! I am using UE 5 and trying to migrate the character file from the ASC Teuthisan free content on the epic store, but every time I open it in the new project the creature is missing all the textures and the materials are full of errors. The image nodes are empty even though the texture files migrated successfully. I also don’t know how to get the animations to work in the migrated file.

Hey @aliya_rafei! Welcome to the forums!

Are you making sure when you migrate you’re including all dependencies? Or are you bringing it all over separately (it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve seen it bring everything but not include the dependencies’ references)

Thank you! I am a new user so this is extremely helpful.

I’m actually not sure how to check if I’m bringing the dependencies. I have been migrating the entire content folder so I just assumed that covered it , but I have been getting a warning saying that the location where I’m moving things is not a game content file. I wasn’t sure how to fix that cause I am using Unreal for cinematics so I don’t think I had any game content files. Unreal just made a new one for me when I migrated things.

Anything you build in Unreal is going to be called a game sometimes just because that’s the original purpose of the engine. We have definitely branched out a lot since then!

Go ahead and take a look at this documentation:
What’s happening is you aren’t migrating into a content folder. It literally has to be the folder named “Content” in your new project, or else it gets really buggy. :frowning:

Does it have to be the over arching content file? Because I made a new folder within my content folder and that was the destination for the new assets. One of my friends suggested that my import settings may have been wrong, does this sound like a possible reason for a migration issue?

So you can move things after you migrate (after which you should right click the content folder and use “Fix Redirectors”). You want to do that within Unreal Engine, NOT the folders themselves in Windows.

But yes, it has to be migrated TO the over arching Content file. :slight_smile:

i had the same problem, so i migrated assets including all reference to the content folder. i fixed the problem by opening then closing all texture files :slight_smile: