Hello everyone ! I’m beginner in UE and completly new in this forum. Hope i have chosen the correct section for this post , sorry if i didn’t.
I’m having a problem with a Level Sequence made using sequencer. My project consists of two levels , one with main map (named Demo) and the second is a simple empty level with just a widget that running an initial MainMenu (named MainMenuLevel). I want to specify that in the Demo level i’m using World Partition.
The issue is that when i start the game from the Mainmenulevel map and the loads the main level (Demo) by press a button in the widget , the Level Sequence are not played correctly , when i enter in the Collision Box with the Third Person Character the camera view is locked to the default view of the Third Person Perspective Camera and the sequence does not start.
Instead , if i start the game directly from Demo level bypassing Mainmenulevel , all work’s correctly.
But i’ve noticed, if i uncheck the option “Enable Streaming” in the World Settings → World Partition , all Level Sequence work’s perfectly, even if i start from MainMenuLevel map.
For activate the Level Sequence in the main level (Demo) i’m using the code below, a simple Bp class with Box Collision and an Event Dispatcher to calling the sequence
So, what could be the problem here ?? How can i start my game from the MainMenuLevel and play correctly the cinematic sequence with Streaming Enabled ? I’ve made many attempts and have searched everywhere in google but without success unfortunately
Any help is very appreciate, because this does not allow me to proceed with my project.
Hope i’ve explained clearly , but if something is not clear or you need more information free feel to ask .
Thanks in advance