Issue importing Raw file to Unreal Engine 4 from World Machine

I am having problems importing a Raw file (heightmap) generated in World Machine program, I dont know how to set the correct size or resolution, I already asked in Ue4 forums but no one helped me yet.

This is the issue I have importing:

You can see the “map” in the image is full of peaks an another weird proportions.

And in this link you can find the file (.Raw) and the world machine project:


You could try altering your z axis to better suit the resolution of you height map

you need to adjust the settings on the import page to eliminate the stretched edges. i believes its the number of components or something like that. basically look for areas in the wireframe that looks really flat. as for the hign spikes just adjust the scaling. either scale down the z axis by half or more, or scale the x and y to be huge.