Issue generating geometry collection on mesh with multiple material

I’m having an issue creating a geometry collection on my mesh. It seems to only use one material of it and apply it on every surface. It’s supposed to stone texture everywhere, and wood texture on the inside of the window frame.

Does anyone else have this issue?

Left of the geometry collection it generated, Right is the correct mesh

Hi MrA16R,

In order for chaos to work properly and achieve the best results, you want each of your wall and window actors separately.
Especially because wood breaks differently than stone, as they have different material properties, you want to keep them separated from each other.

This means, each of your wooden bars should also be an individual object, watertight modelled and not intersecting.

Convert all of the individual pieces into geometry group, which also allows you to set the individual fracture properties for each material.

You can look more into the topic here:

Additionally, here is a neat little video I found which is explaining the proper workflow:

Just to give an advice; I’d make it in an Actor BP, rather than geometry collection.