I’m trying to set up an Unreal project on my Mac computer, and I’ve downloaded Xcode, but when I’m trying to build the game project and compile it for the rest time, I’m asked to rebuild a lot of the plugins from source.
I allow Unreal to start the build process, but it’s always failed with an error “try rebuilding from source”.
So I tried to see if I could generate and compile the needed files using Xcode, and when rebuilding in Xcode, I’m also given a fatal error as to why the project won’t build.
Completely at a loss for what to do. If someone has encountered these sorts of problems before when trying to rebuild on Mac, please let me know. Thank you.
Can you please share the output log so we can see the build error? iirc Build.sh failed with exit code 5 usually means the Unreal Header Tool ran into an issue.
Hey there RASMAN1 - Apologies that I don’t have a better answer, but for our particular project at least, there was no programmer support or option to test or ensure a version of our game would run on a Mac PC since everyone was using Windows.
My suspicion as well with a project that incorporates and uses a lot of proprietary plugins, if no one can test and ensure it works for Mac, there’s a chance the project will never build and compile ever, altogether.
I ended up with a PC computer a few months back so I am just working on PC now, unfortunately that seemed to be the only way.