I’m new to Unreal and have mostly been trying to use the basic objects and tweak them to fit what I need. Right now I’m working with a class, MovesetParent that uses UActorComponent as a parent and from there I derive a child class, FireMoveset.
When I try to add MovesetParent to an actors component list it adds fine, however when I try to add FireMoveset it refuses. Trying to add it directly to the event graph shows that a node can not be made from this type of asset. Everything is compiling fine so I have to assume that I did something wrong on the Unreal end. Is there some special way you need to do inheritance to have Unreal accept it in the component list?
Edit: The classes are UMovesetParent and UFireMoveset, I just didn’t look at the class declarations when making the post. Also realizing now that some more info might be good so here are both class declarations
UCLASS( ClassGroup=(Custom), meta=(BlueprintSpawnableComponent) )
class ELEMENTALBRAWL_API UMovesetParent : public UActorComponent
// Function stuff
class ELEMENTALBRAWL_API UFireMoveset : public UMovesetParent
// Function stuff
My best guess after looking at it some more is that I’m missing something in the UCLASS function but making another child class based on UMovesetParent gives the same result so maybe not.