Island update rejected

Rejection concern 2 aspects :

  • 1.13 Lobby Background : It’s a screenshot of the island. How is it not authentic ?
  • 1.18 & 1.18.1 Violence : There is no violence, it’s a soccer game. The shotgun is only there to shoot the ball at distance, players are invulnerables. So witch violence is it about in the island and trailer ?
    Island id : 9223-1940-3780
    Page :

Any chance to have an answer ?

If you have shotguns then the rejection seems fair, no 3+ game has guns, either try removing it or replace it with a more child friendly item like maybe a laser weapon, or just disclose violence correctly and have the age rating increase

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Ok, but witch short range weapon can replace it to shoot the ball ? I don’t wan’t players able to shot it from the other side of the map, it will make it to easy to avoid goal. I never played Fortnite, I don’t know the weapons.

A Pickaxe, or just mark your content correctly as violent so the shotgun will be allowed if you dont mind being rated above 3+

I don’t mind.
The pick axe is too short :grimacing:

Hello w77,
Just a crazy idea, what if you make shootable particles bound to a mesh. Which has a collision box, and then when the position of this custom particle (projectile/wind force) is near the ball that you then add the movement direction vector of the wind charge to the ball? I haven’t tested this out yet but I have some ideas on how to implement it.

Think of creating a niagara particle then get this particle it’s location in verse (how I need to check but will get back to you once I made the prototype ready). And then once the distance between ball and particle < 10u (10cm) then apply the force based on the incoming angle (normal calculation physics) to0 the ball. I will write some code if you give me a moment and then once it works I will get back to this thread. It’s a rather cool concept you have rolling here. So congrats on that.

How long range does the weapon need to be though?

Kind regards,

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Thanks for the idea Madelyn. The shotgun range looks fine but it must be tested in a real game to be sure.
About the particle effect, does it worth the effort to code all this ? Even without the shotgun “violence” I think this game is too complex for a 3 years old kid. Moving, shooting, using grapple and playing with a team is not so easy.

Even if the effort may not pay off directly it can be a cool mechanic either way for a future map. So, I would go for it. Right now I have it almost ready hut have issues with spawning the particle (just a simple block to make is visible which can be changed using niagara and materials.

I will try to send a prototype within 1 hour here with the necessary modules and verse code.

Eitherway I wish you good luck on your map, and I am sure that people will enjoy is as it seems like an amazing concept that I wish I had thought of so to say. As shooting a ball is like an amazing idea. I remember back in the day when I played minecraft and that we invented a gamemode called villager ball. Where you shot the villager into a hoop through knockback and punch weapons. This game is similar to that, and (although 2 years difference) 5 year olds loved the game. So don’t let your hopes down just yet. I think you have got an amazing concept in hands. :slight_smile: I just hope that I can help you somehow in realizing this amazing concept.

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I realize I did not reply with the last update : island is now accepted and available and the rating is not so high :

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I will also play your island to see if I can give any feedback if you would like :slight_smile: