Is Windows 11 ready for the UE development?

Hi m8s,

Is Windows 11 ready for the UE development?


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I’m currently using it. I’m relatively newer to the engine, 7 months, but it runs perfectly fine


I iam using windows 11 for like 8 months. And it works perfectly well.


Thank you guys.

Does that include using gamepad controllers? I’m using a PS4 and an Xbox One controller which both work in Unreal on another machine running Win 10, but Unreal doesn’t even see them on my Win 11 machine. Windows sees them fine, and shows all the inputs as active, but Unreal doesn’t even see they exist.

I used it for 1 month and didn`t like it, in general it feel like with the pass of the days is getting more and more slow and VR performance is horrible, that was the principal point who make me go back to windows 10.

Win 11 isn’t a big change from Win 10, so it’s good for UE development.