Hi everyone, long time no posting here. I’ll go straight to the matter in question, do you really think the water plugin is ready to be used in studio projects?
I wanted to use it for our new project but since I’ve decided to learn how to use it’s been just giving me headache after headache. I’m working on a river so it was logic to use the river actor, one it just stopped working and decided to hide itself on the viewport, it was there, just not visible unless I turn game mode on. Client wanted some waves and had to redo it as that asset doesn’t accept waves, either ocean, lake or custom shape asset, I do that and after struggling a lot to reshape it to the shape of the river and play with its values to fix the edges I kind of managed to have something to work with.
The problem I’m having is that from one machine to another, that very same asset looks completely different and it cannot be used at all! How is possible that something that has the same values and properties as mine in my PC looks like this from one machine o another? Has anyone encountered this? If so how did you fix it? Why is it that if water assets have unchecked “affect landscape” they just dissapear from the viewport? I just want a river that allows me to have some waves on it and rests completely flat without affecting landscape at all but it seems I can’t have both, any help would be much appreciated, thank you everyone.
Team’s PC screenshot of the river
My own PC screenshot of the same spot