Is using Booleans as a variant switch in construction script possible?

Hello there !

I am fairly new to blueprinting and have had a google for what I want but maybe I’m just not searching for the right thing.

Basically I have a construction script set up where I have 3 Public Bools set up,
I then have a branch node to check to see if each bool is ticked - which ever one is true will set my static mesh materials to that variant of materials that I have setup, I hope this makes sense so far but I’ll include a screenshot.

So this works so far, then for each bool that is true, I set the others to false, so only one of them can be selected at one time. This works when going from Bool C to B to A, but not the other way around, I can see this is because if Bool A has been ticked and then you tick Bool C - it never gets to the logic for bool C because it goes through the logic of Bool A.

So my question is how can I make it so that when I select one bool in any order, it turns the others off?

Thanks guys

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Use an enumerator

In construction then, you have

That’s working great now thank you ClockworkOcean :slight_smile:

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