Is UE4 for me?

Dear coummunity,

I recently heard that UE4 has been released. I saw the cinematic and felt in love! :slight_smile:
Now, I have a question for you guys, I hope I’m using the correct thread.

Okay, so here it goes: I spend most of my time creating landscapes in E-on Vue, it’s a software made for landscape/nature creations.
Is it possible that UE4 can create images such as these: Image #1 andImage #2.

I have been playing around with UE4 and really havent felt that it’s made for these kind of images, but I could be wrong? :o)

Sure it can.

Take a look here for an example: https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?60653-Large-Open-World-Kid-Kit-Demo

Demo scene will be coming in 4.8, there are also other examples of beautiful landscapes in the Work in Progress thread.

you can do that now, if you set it up right.

and Yes, UE4 is for everybody!

Especially now! lol

they recently even gave a grant out to one of our forum posters that does some amazing work that looks better than that even, and runs in the engine so it isn’t just a static picture. can’t seem to find the links right now, but look around you’ll see something before long

ps: It’s better to try and fail than to have never tried at all !!!

As all others already mentioned, yes it is possible :slight_smile:

e.g Take a look at Koola’s stuff: https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?58385-Koola-s-stuff&highlight=koola (not a landscape, but in the direction of your 2nd picture)

Hallo guys,

Thank you very much for your feedback and extremly motivating responses! I feel a lot more confident diggin into UE4 now :slight_smile:
I do however have a question which can be hard to answer. I’ve gone through lots of the tutorials (not actually doing them but going through them) and I noticed that a lot of the tutorials is not useful for me since I don’t aim to program or animate.

What would the best tutorial/guide be for me who wish to create beautiful still-images?
When I look at this image: https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?60653-Large-Open-World-Kid-Kit-Demo I think to myself “I could work on that in E-on Vue” but instead, I’d like accomplish something similar in UE4.

I have to start somewhere but where would you guys recommend me starting? :slight_smile:

In that case I personally would recommend you to just copy some assets from the demo projects into your own one + start creating a level. Over the time you will get better and better. :slight_smile: -> after that you know how to use the light/material/post process/level design system. After that you can do it with your own assets

Some useful documentation pages:

THANK YOU ! I will dig right into it and see what I can learn :o)
