Is this the same?

Trying to work out if this is the same.

Been trying to figure out what is causing my Jump animation to freeze midway through the jump animation to landing animation and also when I pick up the weapon, it faces the wrong direction. I copied and pasted the First person character into another folder with all its assets and linked everything that I could find that was missing and also Assigned the new skeleton to the Mesh, Animation_BP,etc…

I also renamed all the duplicate files to make sure there was no conflicts and also for me to know what is selected.

As I was going through the Arms Animation Blueprint. I noticed the Variable in green that has the error. Tried looking for the exact one in the list. The only one with Time remaining is highlighted, I could not find any others.

Any help would be much appreciated.

It’s very hard to say without more context. But judging by the screenshot, yes. It looks like it’s a state machine that returns a Float variable, and the second is a function that is most likely used inside another state machine.

Thanks for replying. The first image, the one with the arms. It shows 2 Green functions. The one highlighted is the the one I added. The one above the highlighted one, is the default one.

So what I have gone and done, for learning purposes. I have duplicated the Unreal engine stock Assets Arms_BP and put in my own Folder under (MyContent>Character).

So I have the Character BP in that folder then in the folder I have another folder called Model, I have then moved the renamed the duplicated files in the folders I have made Under MyContent>Character>Model

So Animation folder for example will be in the model folder along with other folders, sounds, materials, textures, mesh.

I then Assign the duplicated and renamed Skeleton to the duplicated and renamed Mesh, so its all linked. I also Assign the skeleton to the animation BP and all the animation segments.

I then go in each blueprint as well as duplicate the weapon and putting that in its own folder under MyContent>Weapon.

Fix up the blueprints in weapon_BP, weapon_attachBP, character_BP, Animation_BP. So that way its all pointing to the correct weapons model and BP.

But every time I try this. Anime_BP Stuffs up when I compile and after fixing the error with using the highlighted function shown above. My character weapon model, upon picking it up. is not pointing in the direction the character is facing and on top of that. The Jump Function causes the jump animation to glitch out when falling back down (Has its arms frozen in position, even when jumping again. Animation breaks.

and the error for compiler results is due to the functions not being correct and that is because I changed the Skeleton to the duplicated one I made.

Any questions please feel free to ask.

This screenshot shows the main issue I am having with the Mesh when playing.

Study up on animation fast track.

You shouldn’t be using any blueprint logic to drive any state.

For animations that transition there is a conviniente auto transition checkbox that does it all for you. All you need to do is make sure it isnt set to loop, and toggle the auto transition thing.

For animations that should loop, you want to use Booleans to transition in/out at the right time.

The booleans have to be managed by the character blueprint not the animation blueprint.

Following basic guidelines which again it is epic’s fault for a billion and one bad examples that you may be following will actually resolve all your warnings/errors as well.

Thanks for replying.

I am not sure on where the checkbox is located.

If it is driven by blueprints. That is all Epic Games’s doing.

All I have done is Duplicated the Arms mesh with the extra files like animation, skeleton, textures, materials, sounds and character Blueprint. Renamed the files. Opened up each Blueprint that had event Code and edited and replaced according to what i duplicated and renamed.

but as soon as I assign another skeleton (Needing to assign another one because even duplicating the file, it still uses the same references which will point to the default directory.

The compile error happens when I Assign the duplicated Skeleton to the Animation BP.

If you would like any screenshots, let me know.

Custom Anime BP

Default Anime BP

Cant find the function specified.

The error is that the animation is not retarget to the correct skeleton.
Right click the animating bluperint and retarget the whole thing by selecting new folder. It will take all the animations along.

this is the result I have. If correct and it is indeed the same as the one with the error. then it should be fine.

How I did it.

The Original.

That is 100% incorrect.

Doing mathematical comparison operations disables fast path and is 100% NOT needed if the goal is to transition out of a state machine at the end of the animation.

You may say “well it works”.
Sure it does. But it’s not up to any standard and should not be presented to anyone as “a possible solution”.

In fact, they should probably remove or annotate the time remaining note with a big red bar satating “go back to the drawing board”. But hey, they haven’t bothered to fix a skeleton in all example animations for over 10 years. Futher, all their examples are blatant violations of best pracrices…
Ergo, it isn’t likely for anyone to get proper information if not on this forum when someone corrects it