Thanks for replying. The first image, the one with the arms. It shows 2 Green functions. The one highlighted is the the one I added. The one above the highlighted one, is the default one.
So what I have gone and done, for learning purposes. I have duplicated the Unreal engine stock Assets Arms_BP and put in my own Folder under (MyContent>Character).
So I have the Character BP in that folder then in the folder I have another folder called Model, I have then moved the renamed the duplicated files in the folders I have made Under MyContent>Character>Model
So Animation folder for example will be in the model folder along with other folders, sounds, materials, textures, mesh.
I then Assign the duplicated and renamed Skeleton to the duplicated and renamed Mesh, so its all linked. I also Assign the skeleton to the animation BP and all the animation segments.
I then go in each blueprint as well as duplicate the weapon and putting that in its own folder under MyContent>Weapon.
Fix up the blueprints in weapon_BP, weapon_attachBP, character_BP, Animation_BP. So that way its all pointing to the correct weapons model and BP.
But every time I try this. Anime_BP Stuffs up when I compile and after fixing the error with using the highlighted function shown above. My character weapon model, upon picking it up. is not pointing in the direction the character is facing and on top of that. The Jump Function causes the jump animation to glitch out when falling back down (Has its arms frozen in position, even when jumping again. Animation breaks.
and the error for compiler results is due to the functions not being correct and that is because I changed the Skeleton to the duplicated one I made.
Any questions please feel free to ask.
This screenshot shows the main issue I am having with the Mesh when playing.