Is this OK performance-wise?

Although I have a boolean variable, the event tick is running and checking every frame if the value of the variable is changed…
So is it in this regard or any other regard OK?

I’m basically trying to make a widget appear and look at me when I am in a certain radius ( using collision sphere).

If you do this in a single actor, it’s more than OK, especially that you gated it with a boolean. If you used a widget component in Screen Space mode, you would not need to do it at all - but Screen Space may be undesired for gameplay / user experience reasons, ofc.

Note that you can simply enable / disable Tick itself instead of using an additional variable and a Branch. If we can’t see the widget - stop ticking.

Another good question here is - what are we really doing? It seems, at a glance, that you want to have an interact widget in every object. Would it make more sense to have 1 widget only in the player instead and show / hide that instead?

The same goes for the sphere overlap, rather than having 500 objects, each with a sphere overlap, have only 1 sphere overlap in the player. It’s the player who is the instigator of most in-game actions after all.

Consider whether the above is feasible in your case.

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Disabling tick, right.
and about the guidance, yeah you are absolutely right! thank you so much!

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