Currently, data in a same node are needed to be transmitted to many different nodes. If i use lines to connected those different nodes, then there will be many lines on chart, which are not easy to edit. So i would like to know whethter there is any wireless connection of data between two different nodes, such as the illustration that i presented below. Many thanks!
no there is no wireless nodes. you could use things like custom events to call script in different parts of your graph or you could use functions, macros, and collapse nodes to clean things up a bit. this question has been asked many times before so im not going to go into so much detail here, but if you tell us about the context of your situation then maybe there is a good way to solve your issue or a better method which eliminates the need altogether.
I know this has already been answered but also:
You can make more Event Graphs. Have an event graph for every section of your nodes I.E, one for Custom Events, One for Character Movement, one for Weapon Events etc…
Cleaning code while using blueprints can sometimes be tedious, as long as it’s readable and the code works, you’ll just have to fight with OCD in most cases.
You can also move the lines to where you want them by adding blank nodes.