Is there support for win-arm64\dotnet.exe?

i am running Unreal 5.5 on arm. so far i can run blueprint only projects. but when i try to compile a c++ project the engine is looking for Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\DotNet\8.0.300\win-arm64\dotnet.exe.

Which is not part of the install. i get file not found errors and the program aborts the build.

is there support for this?

I created win-arm64 folder in the proper location and copied the dotnet.exe from my pc installation. This fixed the issue. But its not a proper fix…

I am using launcher version and building projects from rider with emulated x64 toolset, And it works with C++ codes compilation.
In Rider you have to switch to x64 version of MSBUILD in setting-Toolset & Build