Is there somewhere option to re-import with options for skeletons

I want to re-import my skeleton and animations with different import settings from blender fbx into ue4. I want to change some import settings because I think I did something wrong with my last import. I’ve been googling this and some places mention there is “re-import with options” somewhere in ue4?

Where is it?

I’ve been pressing all the import buttons I’ve found and ue4 just imports the stuff and doesn’t show any options menus.

Let’s assume no.

So I have a skeletal mesh I’d need to rotate 90 degrees around vertical axis. How would I do this in ue4?

Hi, double click your skeletal mesh. In the details panel, scroll down and you will eventually find the import settings listed. Find Import Rotation and change it. Then right click you skeletal mesh and select Re-Import.

Here is the documentation


Thanks a lot, found it.

sorry but there is no such thing
an as I reimport an fbx, there is no skeletal options neither
wtf ???