Is There Really No Way of Reseting States In AnimGraph Manually?

Hello! I got one simple question related to something that is really bugging me right now for so long and I want to share it and maybe there is something I am missing.

Before we start, there is a TLDR version at bottom!

Now let’s have two states in AnimGraph.

One is named “Locomotion”, other one is named “Punch”.

Locomotion has a Blendspace for Idle/Walk only, simple at best.
Second one has a simple anim sequence which isn’t looping. It’s an animation where your character punches.

From Locomotion State to Punch State, the transition’s blend is 0.0. So once you press Punch button, you get in that Punch State instantly.

From Punch State to Locomotion State, the blend time is 0.2 seconds. I hope it was all clear until this time!

Now, here is my little bugging problem that I can’t get rid of. I know that, a state resets itself once the blends are complete. So if I waited that 0.2 seconds to end, and punch again, all would work.


If I do NOT wait for it, and try another punch, the animation does not reset. It continues from where it left off. So all I see would see a 0.1 second or so animation.

Now, this can be fixed by making seperate states for “Punch Start” “Punch Hit” “Punch Recover” that are connected to each other, but this only causes Anim Graph to become a spaghetti monster. And most importantly I am using AnimMontages with all the information included so I can’t make one Anim Montage to another, it kills the reason to use Anim Montage. And unfortunately Anim Montage blending out suffers the same problem. If you get inside ANY Anim Montage while the one before is Blending Out, the last Anim Montage lasts as much as the remaining blend out duration.

So… Is there really no way to Reset a State while it’s blending out? I got a work around but I can only do it with 0.0 blending out. :frowning:

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

TLDR: If you get inside a State again while it is blending out, the State does not start from beginning, but continue the blending out duration. Is there any way to reset it to beginning even if it was blending out?

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In 4.14.1, you can set “Always reset on entry” for an animation state. That does the trick.

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Sorry to revive this, but the above post doesn’t seem to work. Not sure what I’m doing wrong here, but I’ve tried enabling “Always reset on entry” for a state and it doesn’t reset the animation back to the start when that state activates again. Animations seem to keep looping in the background. When my current animation ends and goes back to the idle it’s never at the beginning.

Make sure to disable Loop if you’re using BlendSpace. By default it loops