Is there going to be more focus at HTML5?

Currently HTML5 is kind of lagging behind the roadmap. Is there going to be improvements regarding of HTML5? For example nice looking HTML5 project at marketplace would be awesome. It would be nice to see highly optimized but still good looking 3D project. Tappy chicken is nice example but something more would be great. So far I’ve tested mobile project in HTML5 and it’s working well.

Tappy Chicken runs great on HTML5 but I would like to see more focus on this also, as websites and companies would love to have HTML5 games on their own website. Now I read that you need 64bit web browser I did some study and could not find what % are using 32bit and 64bit but I did find that a lot are using Chrome and Firefox then IE.

I would like to know where is the progress for HTML5 and if we can run HTML5 on our phones over making a App for our Game, so people dont have to install your game to play it. I say the time between a user see’s your game and can play it is critical.