Is there anyway to make VOIP chat?

Hello, Im new with UNREAL ENGINE and i’m interesting about voice chat.
I searched but i didn’t found a tutorial about how to make voice chat in unreal engine
Is there any chance to create voice chat with first person, and you can only hear who’s near you?

Please info me about that, How it works , What should i need, is it free? And is there any tutorial about that.


You can do some things with voice , but I can’t tell you if it’s a complete solution or not. The plugin has BP nodes for voice related stuff, so try there.

Thank you so much, but is this voice chat through steam? My game isn’t going on steam. (I want my game run without steam)
And do you know any good video tutorial for that stuff? Or can you make one?
because i’m new with unreal engine and im interested for voice chat first.

It’s not tied to Steam