Is there anyway to copy a Landscape from one Level to another

Hello, I am trying to copy a terrain from one level to another level that already has content where I wish to replace the existing landscape with my landscape, however I cannot find any way to copy the landscape from one level to another.

I noted that many topics out there mention in having to re-import the landscape and setup the materials all over again, which seems abit less-productive. and more backward, if that was the only way.

Also the existing scene is not partitioned and my scene is.

I have tried to copy it from a open level in another instance of Unreal and then try to paste it into the level that I want, however I just get an empty placeholder in the Outliner with no data inside of it. I have even tried to select all the parts for the terrain and again click paste but nothing pastes.

I have used Unity in the past where you were able to easily copy a terrain from my scene to another, even to combine other terrains together or to have slight differences in the terrains, so I find it strange if UE5 would not have a simple method also to copy from one level to the next?

Or is there some method that I may be unaware of, since everywhere I have looked it seems like you have to re-import the landscape and re-setup the materials again, each time you wished to create a level using the same landscape in an existing level, like when you wish to replace a existing landscape with another landscape.

Please advise on how I could go about this,thanks.

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Hey @majikstan77!

If you are completely replacing the landscape from the level, would it not work if you copied the assets from the other level into the one with your desired landscape? Or, if you want to preserve that level, duplicating the level itself and doing the same?

That way all the information about your landscape including any foliage is retained and instead you are just arranging the smaller assets.

If your meshes/actors in your other levels are in the locations you want, you can actually just select them all and paste them into your new level. They will stay in their relative locations.

I hope the above is the solution you need!

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Hello, to further describe the issue, there are 2 parts.

First If you have downloaded an existing Template project that contained a terrain already but you wished to replace it with your own terrain instead. I know you can just create another landscape via the landscape tab and then have to re-assign the materials, on a fresh Landscape. But what if you already have a Landscape file with all the materials applied already but wish to incorporate this into the existing template level file that you were replacing there terrain with yours?

The second part is how would you duplicate the Landscape data since to make a duplicate of the level is still pulls from the same Hlod data, so if you want to have a copy of the Landscape that had already had its textures assigned but wanted to do a modified instance with several changes to the terrain for a different period, say part was developed, so you could have 2 versions of the same map, one before a development and one after for different time periods.

So how would you do that, currently it seems if you made a duplicate of the level file it still points to the same landscape data so if you make a change in one level would that effect the other level copy when you only want the development on one level map.

So is there a way to copy the landscape from one level to another without having to re-import the height-map and materials again?

(Like in Unity you had the Terrain file that you could drag into any Scene and would not need to redo the materials and you could duplicate this Terrain and then make changes on this duplicate without effecting the original. You could even have more than 1 different terrains in the same scene.)

So is there an easy way to bring in a landscape without having to recreate or redo the materials, These are also streaming World Partition Tiles.

It is all in the same project, but we need separate levels


So is there a way to copy the landscape from one level to another without having to re-import the height-map and materials again?

I managed to do it by selecting landscape directly in the editor outline, ctrl+c to copy, you get notified about it being a large memory copy, accept, open the level you’re moving the landscape to and ctrl+v to paste it in the outline. It brings over the entire landscape including materials! I was amazed it was so simple but saw this and gave it a try and it worked Can I move a landscape to another project? - #4 by Black_Phoenyx

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