I am new to UE4. I did find ActorBeginOverlap Event. It is fired when my Character is first overlapping with a BoxCollider. In Unity there is a message know as OnTriggerStay which is fired till the character is inside the BoxCollider (marked as isTrigger in Unity). Whats the related event in UE4.
I Don’t think so, but what you can do is set a Bool like “In Trigger” and when the player Begin Overlap you set it to true
and there is another one called OnComponentEndOverlap and when that happens you set it to False
I Don’t know where you will use in your and for what purpose but you can called it in many ways like Event Tick → Branch (See if InTrigger is true or false) —> Event
I know this question is a little bit old, but i stumbled ober it with the same question in mind.
I think their is another way to do so, therfore actions can be triggerd without neccesarly entering the collider first. So if spawning in an collider it also can be triggerd.
Getting the Actors ovelapped of an Collider, can be used to exectue method on them, what is kind of unity on trigger stay. How to execute actions without an neverending update or here event tick is the question what have to be solved in the special usecase.
Hope it helps other developers