Is there any way to sync a model from AC26 ARM to TM 2022.2.3 ?

So in the current situation of various mismatches between Apple OS/Silicon x TM x Archicad, I am quite confused about my workflow. Until now, my workflow has been to work locally in TM on my MBP M1, then open the TM file on a remote PC (GTX 1660ti) and render using pathtracer. Since the new preview prohibits PT on GTX cards, I need to transfer my model from AC26 to TM 2022.2.3 (which can still do PT renders).

As far as I understand the datasmith plugin for AC26 isn't able to export to TM 2022.2.3. In this case, how could I make it work? Many thanks for the ideas.

Hi ,

Thanks for bringing this up. It appears there's actually a typo on the plugin page that needs to be updated which might be the cause for confusion.

For AC 26, you should be able to use the archived 5.0.3 version of the plugin for both Windows and Mac with Twinmotion 2022.2.3.

Only the new 5.1.1 plugin may not work with Twinmotion 2022.2.3, as it uses new Unreal Engine 5.1 features that don't work on older versions of Twinmotion.

One thing to note specifically for Mac, is that ARM support was introduced in the 5.1.1 version of the plugin, so if you want to natively run the plugin on your Macbook with Apple silicion, you have to use the 5.1.1 plugin, otherwise, the 5.0.3 should work using Rosetta.



Thanks for the answer Raghib. Is it possible to have both plugins loaded at the same time?

edit: as far as I can see, I can't run the 5.0.3 plugin on M series Macbooks, is that correct ?

Hi Emre,

When you install the latest plugin, it should override the older plugin, so both can't be used simultaneously.

For the 5.0.3 plugin on M-series Macs, they should be able to work together, but the plugin just won't work natively and will rely on Rosetta to run.



Then I'm afraid I'm having an issue with the 5.0.3 plugin. Could you please see if i'm doing anything wrong and/or confirm a bug in this screen recording?

Hi Emre,

The installation process and files you look correct. The only thing that seems like it might be problematic is overwriting the old plugin file with the new one. Could you try using the Add-On Manager in Archicad to remove the plugin files, then try installing the plugin. If that doesn't work, let me know.



hello raghib - i uninstalled the plugin as you suggested, and added the 5.0.3 plugin. the result is the same: in the add-on manager, there is an error next to the plugin, and in the palettes, i can't find the datasmith palette.