Is there any way to get hot reload working when compiling outside of the editor on linux?

When compiling project source files outside of the unreal engine editor I am unable to get hot reloading to work.
I need to press the compile button inside the editor for the changes to become effective in the editor.

I am using the following line to compile:
/UNREAL_DIR/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe Linux Development PROJECTNAME -Progress -project=/PROJECT_DIR/PROJECTNAME.uproject

I have tried many variations on this including using the script, using the project Makefile, and playing with the build flags that UnrealBuildTool uses (which is really hard to find, you need to pour over the source code to determine what the valid options are).

Is there any way to hook up hot reloading in the editor to compiling using the command line?

I have the same problem. This won’t directly answer your question, since it no longer works for me after 4.18, but this is the script i’ve consistently used for a couple years - I’m now moving over to using VScode as an IDE, so i probably won’t end up investigating fully what’s changed with the semantics of unrealbuildtool to break this tiny script, but for posterity here’s what i used;