Is there any way to create a variable that’s say
int32 Variable#];
Then be able to create it via
Variable[1] = 2;
and call it via
VariableTest = Variable[1];
Result: VariableTest = 2
Is there any way to create a variable that’s say
int32 Variable#];
Then be able to create it via
Variable[1] = 2;
and call it via
VariableTest = Variable[1];
Result: VariableTest = 2
This is exactly what arrays are for:
TArray<int32> Variable;
Variable[0] = 2;
int32 VariableTest = Variable[0];
VariableTest = 2;
Is there any way to put the TArray inside a TSharedRef?
TArray<int32> Variable;
TSharedRef<Test> MyScrollBar[Variable] = Test;
can’t figure it out
you are always asking weird stuff ja, no need, use decorator UPROPERTY() over your tarray, daddy unreal will manage this for you like a TSharedRef
Still a way to do it apparently, never tried your response as I just realized this, though I might