So I’m trying to move an object smoothly on a curve between two points in space and right now I’m just using a timeline with a float track output connected to a vector lerp alpha input. The reason that I can’t just use fixed points output to a vector track is that the last point is dynamic and changes based on the player’s position. Is there any way I can smoothly move this object?
To me it sounds like there is no question. You have a timeline, alpha float track and a vector lerp. That’s all we need to move stuff from A => B.
What are we missing? What is not working?
A 3 point Lerp? Can you clarify? You have more than 1 destination? Or are we interpolating more than just a mere vector?
If the points are moving, then use a interp on tick to move between them
There’s one destination but it is dynamic. I want it to move on a curved path instead of a straight line from A to B
Both a timeline and basic interpolation would work. Plug your destination as B and off you go.
I don’t think a TL would work, if B is moving… ?
It would work, it would be somewhat similar to an interp. Whether it’d work for OP - who knows? We don’t know what they’re up to.
It would move from A to B in X seconds, even thought B is moving. It would just speed up or slow down, depending on B getting closer or further from A.
Yes, you’re right. I’m so used to people sampling A…