So I want to make the Unreal Editor more customised for me and my project. However, upon looking at the editor’s Slate files, I can’t see any image file that corresponds to the window icon (NOT the taskbar icon)
Is there any way to change this?
So I want to make the Unreal Editor more customised for me and my project. However, upon looking at the editor’s Slate files, I can’t see any image file that corresponds to the window icon (NOT the taskbar icon)
Is there any way to change this?
I had the same problem for a while, but found out that FSlateApplication::Get().SetAppIcon() is the solution. You need to put this C++ code somewhere during initialization:
TSharedRef<FSlateGameResources> SlateResources = FSlateGameResources::New(FName("MySlateBrush"), "/Game/Icons", "/Game/Icons");
auto SlateBrush = SlateResources.Get().GetBrush(FName("IconBrush"));
So, you need to create a Slate Brush in the Content Browser (by right-clicking and clicking “Slate Brush” under “User Interface”), then double clicking the new asset and setting a texture as a sprite. In the code, I assumed the brush is stored at “/Game/Icons/IconBrush”.
I hope this is clear.
For anyone using Unreal Engine 5.4 who wants to do this, you want to have an SVG editor available (such as Inkscape, Adobe Illustrator or Affinity Designer).
There are two files you want to edit in the UnrealEngine\Engine\Content\Slate\Starship\Common\
UELogo.svg - This is the main one that’ll appear for most windows.
unreal-small.svg - This’ll be the one that appears on tabs like on the Editor Prefabs.
Generally stick to about file sizes and SVGs of under 64KB, I’ve found anything higher can result in weird artefacting of icons.
Sorry for the 11mo. late reply! This is the only forum post I could find and it appears fairly frequently at the top of search results. I made a theme for Unreal that most would consider cursed thanks to the stuff Monoody helped me find… KomiUnreal Theme.
Can you please tell me how you customized the editor like this?
It’s in editor preferences, and it’s the theme creation process. You should see a row of buttons you can interact with from there as seen in my image. Once you clicked the create button, click the pen button to edit the theme colors and experiment to your heart’s content.
Just create a custom editor module and do this in startup
void FYourGameEditorModule::StartupModule()
if (FSlateStyleSet* MutableStyleSet = const_cast<FSlateStyleSet*>(static_cast<const FSlateStyleSet*>(&FAppStyle::Get())))
FVector2D Icon24x24(24.0f, 24.0f);
MutableStyleSet->Set("AppIcon", new FSlateVectorImageBrush(FPaths::ProjectContentDir() / TEXT("Editor/Slate/Icons/bitmap.svg"),Icon24x24));
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("StyleSet is null"));
void FYourGameEditorModule::ShutdownModule()
IMPLEMENT_MODULE(FYourGameEditorModule, YourGameEditor)