Is there any way to call the KismetTraceUtils directly?

I have to do multiple line traces to different points using largely the same values. I was originally planning on using


but I would ideally like to cache the values generated in the function

FCollisionQueryParams Params = ConfigureCollisionParams(LineTraceSingleName, bTraceComplex, ActorsToIgnore, bIgnoreSelf, WorldContextObject);


FCollisionObjectQueryParams ObjectParams = ConfigureCollisionObjectParams(ObjectTypes);

But these use functions defined in KismetTraceUtils.h and from what I see, the header is private with no way of including it unlike the KismetSystemLibrary.

Is there some include I am missing or do I just have to copy those 2 functions into my own code base to use them?

Thanks in advance

If class have “Kismet” in name it means those are only wrappers of C++ APIs for blueprints as for some reason they can’t be binded direcly. You should search for original function, you cna do so by searching same names in API refrance or looking on code of kismet functions. As you already notice some of blueprint bindings are under minimal API and they can’t be called from outside modules, it to reduce linking time during compilation as Epic assumes you gonna use original function not blueprint bindings

The original trace and sweep function are in UWorld which you can access from () from any actor

Btw “Kismet” or K2 means blueprint, it a old name for old node system in UE3 and blueprints supposly be named Kismet 2.0 but during devlopment of UE4 they changed the name thats why lot of blueprint related code still has Kismet in names