Is there any way to ban everything experimental?

I don’t want experimental things in my project.

I want to ban everything inside this folder.

C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.5\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\PhysicsEngine\Experimental

C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.5\Engine\Source\Editor\Experimental

And also any experimental plugins that may be enabled by default.

Is there a flag or something to bant everything experimental?
A quick and automatic way to clean my project of all these things?

Thank you so much!!

Uncheck all and restart as the prompt asks you.

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Thank you so much @3dRaven

Look at this…

This is why asynchronous ticking doesn’t work in UE5.5

It crashes all the time:

This is the code in UE5.4

This is the code in UE5.5

Someone added a check in the middle.
And the “deactivate” function does not work


They shouldn’t add experimental stuff by default…
Or at least they should give notice.

Thank you so much @3dRaven

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I disabled all experimental plugins.

However the contents of the experimental engine code folders remain enabled.

Like this.

Is there any flag I can put on my MyProject.Target.cs Or MyProject.Build.cs to avoid experimental things?

That the libraries are deleted and it cannot be compiled if I use something experimental.

you can pass the error by adding


inside the contructor. Though 5.5 seems to be checking if it’s in the game thread to update transforms.

Maybe only physics interactions are possible without a crash…


It works!!
It doesn’t crash anymore. It’s a good start.

Yes I know…

This person says that you have to get an instance of the body from the game thread and then use it in the async tick…

I’m going to try.

Thank you very much for the help @3dRaven

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