Is there any way to apply control rig pose to control rig in runtime

hi everyone,

I have my metahuman and i found the PoseLibrary that contains a bunch of expressions. i would like to apply them in runtime, (not Sequencer) from blueprint.

however I can’t get any curves, or controls of face control rig in blue print nor anim bp,

does any one have an idea to apply poselibrary in blueprint not Sequencer ??

thank you

You can create an animation, or use it in the anime blueprint…
What are you trying to do? Not sure if makes sense

use the pose:

and then create animation:

hope it helps!

you can see the pose library in the folder as I attached below

this contains the values of CTRL to make expressions.

The manual just shows me how to add this pose library assets only in the sequencer not bp.

What I am trying to do is that I like to add the values these assets have, to the metahuman facial control rig directly. however, there are no way to access control rig curves directly.

Let me check later, at the moment, did you see the metahuman main project? I did learn a lot

Thank you for your reply.

However I am afraid that I did not see the control rig pose asset in the project.

I looked that from 4.26, if Epic does not renew the project for ue5, this project does not contain the control rig pose asset(let us call it as CRPA at least this thread; too long…), because the CRPA should be from UE5.

did you get them working ? face same issue , how to use those poses in blueprint


Same here. Trying to a the Control Rig Pose from PoseLibrary/Face/Visemes to the Control Rig in my BP AnimGraph. I added a Rig Pose variable to my custom face ControlRig, than set it from the BP AnimGraph, but no way to set this variable value from the BP. I actually managed to add a Control Rig Pose Asset to select the Viseme but no way to convert/cast it to the requested Rig Pose for the Control Rig.

Anyone succedded (without using sequencers because I have to change the viseme based on realtime runtime infos)?


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May be bake from sequencer to animation asset and mix animation in anim BP?

Guys, remember Unreal Engine has amazing documentation :sweat_smile:

@hardway to bake from the sequencer is not a bad idea, I used to when I need, in general, i have facials and body in the same file

Also take a look to the content examples, there are a lot of examples about animations, perhaps you find something :slight_smile:

Hi, was looking for it too. And finally found it.

  1. Drag and drop the “Face_ControlBoard_CtrlRig” in the scene.
  2. This will start the sequencer. At the top under the animation tab select “Poses”.
  3. Right click under favorites and then select “Add existing folder to view”.
  4. Find the expressions folder.
  5. Then you’ll be able to see the control rig poses. Select the pose you want and press “Select controls”.
  6. Then press “Paste pose”. This will change the pose in the sequencer. I think you might need to select “Key” too to add the keys in the sequencer.
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You can with a plugin i built that allows you to interface with the Control rig at runtime, its called GameThread Rigs… basically you can set controls and poses to the control using blueprints or c++…

If you’re open to using plugins: