Is there any point in using the Game Instance for saving Player data instead of saving/loading from the player? Are there any advantages to it?

I see so many people using the game instance for saving instead of just saving/loading from the character itself, what are the benefits of using the game instance? Because I feel like loading will be easier through the game instance but saving would be harder because you would have to send data to the game instance and save after instead of just saving directly.

In Game instance the information is not lost between levels.

Unless you save it to disk with SaveGame.

In any other case you will lose the information.

Keep in mind that every player has a different copy of Game Instanceā€¦ and the server has its own too. All of them are independent.


I see so saving through game instance then might be the best choice when you have a game where you change level often, you have hunger, thirst and stamina bars?

yes, those can be some good examples of its use. But are not the only ones.

GameIntance is really useful for many thingsā€¦

You can even make a GameIntanceSubsystem to divide and order according to different uses.


I see, I had an idea to use it to store the current save slots, if the current player is playing solo/multiplayer and store things like that that can change the game completely, thank you for your answer!

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