I’m getting an error saying “one or more downloads has failed”.
I packaged the game in UE4 then uploaded the files to my website using Adobe Muse. I did nothing to the file out of UE4.
Am I missing a step? I feel like I need to give something the locations of the files but really have no idea.
Hi -
When you package a HTML5 project it generates an HTML file which functions as the uncompressed landing page for your game, so uploading the files generated and linking to the landing page that is generated will allow your game to function over the web.
If you are skilled with HTML/CSS and JAVA/SCRIPT you can easily edit the HTML file to meet a stylistic setup of your own choosing as long as the javascript and java files are still referenced correctly.
There is also a Readme.txt file generated when you package with instructions on exact what files are needed for final deployment. It should read like this:
This folder contains pre compressed files ready for deployment, please make sure to use the shipping build for final deployment.
Files Required for final deployment.
*.js.gz -compressed javascript files.
*.data -compressed game content
*.mem -compressed memory iniitialization file
*.html -uncompressed landing page.
*.symbols - uncompressed symbols, if necessary.
Local Testing
run HTML5Launcher.exe (via mono on Mac) to start a web sever which is configured to serve compressed files on localhost. This is not a production quality server.
add -ServerPort=XXXX to the command line if necessary to change the serving port. Default port is 8000.
How to deploy on Apache
Add the following in .conf or .htaccess file. ( edit the directory name accordingly )
<Directory "${SRVROOT}/htdocs">
AddEncoding gzip gz
Thank You
Eric Ketchum