Hello, I have recently made a few maps with features I’m unable to test on my own. For example, custom sounds upon getting an elimination. Since I am on my own, I cannot eliminate another player to verify that everything works as intended. I did some research into how I can bring some friends into the UEFN project to playtest it with me, however all available methods seems very arduous and methodical. The method I saw involved creating a team of Developers to work on maps, and these people will be available to playtest with me. This is not an option for me. Is there any casual method, where I can just send my friends the Island Code, or a link, or something of that nature? If it is not possible, should I just publish my map, and let my friends play the public version, and if issues are met, fix it then in a following version?
Hi Spectre, welcome to the Forums.
It’s possible to playtest without needing to be on the same ‘development team’.
Check out this tutorial to be shown how to set that up.
Good luck!
If you have amazon prime you get Luna included which is a cloud streaming service and you can make an account with a separate email and invite it to your team to test yourself (you play in a browser window), or you could try mobile or another platform.
This is how I test because I don’t want to have to rely on others to get my work done. Ends up being much more efficient regardless of how much of a pain it is to set up and do.
Hello, thank you for your response. If I am to test with myself or a friend does this other account need to go through the Enrollment Process to the Island Creator Program? I assumed this was the case. If not, its not an issue for me to fire up another account on my console and playtest that way.
You can do it for yourself as many time as you want as far as I understand. The whole point is just to prevent people who are underage from implicitly ‘working’ since it a UGC, but I was also surprised to find out you could just make more accounts under the same ID without issue.
What do you mean by making multiple accounts with the same ID? Are you talking about the mail address?
Most likely referring to Governmental ID/Passport
Oh okay, thanks for the reply