Is there an Overlapping Limit?

Hey All

Having a little problem I’m sure someone out there can help with.

I’ve created an Actor and in that Actor all I have is a variable which is an ENUM (Tile Name)
and a Box Collision

this is placed out in the world
Basically If Player Overlaps Stream Level Tile
if Player stops overlapping Unload Streamed Level Tile

My Problem is that the Box Collisions Overlap each other
so once the player is over lapping 3 or four box collisions it doesn’t load the new Tiles

is there such thing as an overlapping limit?


If there is, it would be in the thousands, millions. Probably something else is going on. The only thing that come to mind:

But I’m not sure if this is related in any way to the described issue.

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I looked in to this but unfortunately not what I was after but I appreciate the assistance.


100% User Made Error

I’ve tried to make this as simple as to understand. but i’m pretty sure that cause they were overlapping they were triggering at the same time causing them to both set the tile name so that which ever one set was the map that loaded or unloaded. hense why it was staggering at 3 or 4 maps.

Two possible fixes i can see at the moment:

  • Stagger the Box Collision so that they don’t trigger at same time and allow for loading and unloading
  • set up a list (array) so it deal with one tile at a time

Hope this helps anyone who may come across a similar problem in the future…

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Thanks for solving the puzzle!

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