Is there an Enhanced Input equivalent for "Listen for Input Action" used in UI widgets?

In UE 5.1, I’m using Enhanced Input and I want to disable input on the player controller while my widget is shown. That’s easy enough but I want to still capture input so I can close the menu with the same button press. Before Enhanced Input this was achieved with the “Listen for Input Action” node. Is there an equivalent for the Enhanced Input system? Can this node still be used? I tried feeding it my input action names that are fed to the Input Mapping Context, but had no luck. Online searches have revealed nothing about this. Thanks in advance!


Bump. I’m updating to use Common UI, but still looking for a solution to listening for/handling enhanced input actions while inside a widget.

In the same boat, if you find anything, give me a shout!

I didn’t see your reply, but meant to come back here to update, anyway. I ended up using the “Trigger when Paused” option in the Input Action.



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